Wednesday 5 October 2011

Irresistible Gajar ka halwa/Carrot Dessert


4 finely grated carrot (gajar)
2 table spoon clarified butter or ghee
5 teaspoon of sugar or as per taste
Half a litre of milk
2 table spoon milk powder (optional)
Pinch of salt
2-3 Whole cardamoms
Whole Cashew nuts and/or almonds
1-2 bay leaves (tej patta)


  • Heat little oil in a pan and fry d cashew nuts almonds and Kishmish and keep aside
  • Now heat ghee in a pan and add bay leaf and cardamoms.
  • After this add the grated carrot and sauté it well.
  • When the carrots gets half cooked add sugar a pinch of salt and sauté it again.
  • When d sugar melts and gets mixed up with the carrots add milk to it and after this add the milk powder and stir well.
  • Keep stirring otherwise the milk may burn at d bottom.
  • At last when d all the moisture gets evaporated add the fried Kishmish, cashew nuts and almonds.
  • Gajar ka halwa is ready to serve. Pour 1 teaspoon of  ghee for more flavour.


  1. mmmm!!!!! yummy recipe & awesome pix as usual!
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