Wednesday 5 October 2011

Apricot Chicken


* 200g desiccated apricots

* 5 tbsp vegetable oil

* 2 small pieces of cinnamon stick

* 3 sliced onions

* 1/2 kg of chicken breast diced into 2cm pieces

* 4 tomatoes chopped

* 2 tbsp sliced fresh coriander

* salt 

For the masala :

* 6 large desiccated red chillies

* 1 ½ tsp cumin seeds

* 1 ½ tsp coriander seeds

* 2cm piece of cinnamon stick

* 4 cloves

* 1 tbsp grated ginger

* 1 tbsp pureed garlic

* 4 green cardamom pods


* Soak the apricots in 250ml of warm water for a couple of hours until they are soft and swollen.

* Grind all the ingredients for the masala in a food processor and leave to one side.
* Heat the oil in a large heavy casserole or sauté pan which has a lid.
* Add the cinnamon sticks, cook for a couple of minutes and add the onions, browning very slowly. 
* Stir in the masala and fry off until the oil begins to separate. 
* Add the chicken and cook for about 5 transactions turning half way through. 
* Season with salt and add the tomatoes and apricots (and any water remaining from the soaking).
* Simmer with the lid on until the chicken is tender (if the sauce remains thin, uncover and allow to reduce for a few transactions until thickened). 
* Stir in the coriander and serve immediately with Indian breads or plain rice.

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