Thursday 13 October 2011

Hot & Sweet Tomato Chutney - Bengali Style


1 tsp tamarind pulp
3 red chillies whole
2 tblsp panch phoron
dates few 
1/2 kg sugar
1/2 kg tomatoes
salt to taste 
1 tsp oil
·             Wash and cut the tomatoes into quarters.
·             Soak the tamarind in warm water for few minutes.
·             Take off the pulp of the tamarind, strain and keep it aside.
·             Prepare sugar syrup of one string consistency.
·             Heat up oil in a pan, mix in panch phoron and dry red chillies.
·             When it starts to crackle mix in tomatoes and cook.
·             Mix in the sugar syrup along with a little salt, dates and little water if required.
·             Stir fry till it is dark red in colour and thick.
·             Stir and then mix in tamarind pulp.

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