Thursday 6 October 2011

Creamy Mushroom Soup


10 Button Mushrooms
1 medium size Onion
2 tbsp Butter 
1 tbsp Cornflour
1/4 inch Ginger
1/4 cup Milk
Add salt as per taste
2 tbsp grated Cheese for garnishing
1 tbsp chopped green Coriander for garnishing
1/4 tsp black Pepper powder


1) Wash & wipe mushrooms & slice them into thin pieces. Keep 1/4 of mushroom slices of it, aside.
2) Peel and slice onion.
3) Mix cornflour & milk.
3) Heat 1 tbsp butter in a pan, add onion slices & saute.
4) Add 3/4 of mushroom slices & saute nicely, add grated ginger & saute.
5) Add cornflour-milk mixture and cook it,stir constantly.
6) Grind the mixture, use Blender
7) Add salt, pepper powder. 
8) Add 3-4 cups of water. Bring it to boil.
9) Heat 1 tbsp butter in a kadai add 1/4 mushroom slices,saute and cook them, & add to the boiled soup.
10) Garnish with fresh green coriander and  grated cheese and 1 tea spoon of fresh cream(optional).

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